Inspired by the animated character in the beloved Disney movie The Little Mermaid, this Ariel doll is ready for all of life's adventures!
Posable Ariel fashion doll wears a regal look in her signature colors and includes removable shoes and a tiara.
Outfit features a molded top and removable, soft skirt with a pretty floral design.
Ariel doll features long hair for brushing and styling fun!
Makes a perfect gift for kids to play out their favorite movie moments or make up their own adventures!
Meet this Ariel doll, inspired by the determined and free-spirited princess from Disney's The Little Mermaid. This posable fashion doll is shown in a regal look that includes a removable skirt, shoes and a tiara. Doll cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.
Product Includes - 1 Doll, 1 fashion and 2 accessories